Episode 40 - Finding and Fulfilling a Calling with Ayodeji Megbope


Episode Transcript

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Jacktone: Hello and welcome back to the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Africa podcast, where we spotlight the voices of entrepreneurs and innovators shaping the marketplace in our region. This week, we are highlighting the story of Ayodeji Megbope, founder of the Nigeria Catering Company. No Left Overs. Ayo started the company after feeling like she had reached a dead end with a 20 year career as a secretary. She wanted to provide greater financial stability for herself and her family, and after years of struggling, she found a calling in the food industry. Since then, she has been selected for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women program and has spoken in front of world leaders about global entrepreneurship in places like Turkey and the US. Today, she joins us to talk about her humble beginnings and how God has helped her find and fulfill her calling. Let's listen in.

Efosa Ojomo: Well. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Thank you so much for joining us on this faith driven entrepreneur Investor Africa podcast, one of your co-hosts Efosa. Very happy to be with you. We have an exciting guest today. I can't wait to dive into her story. So you guys are in for a treat? Ayodeji Megbope. I'm sure I butchered that, so I'm very sorry, but Ayo thank you so much for joining us. We're very excited to hear about your life and your work with no left overs. Thank you.

Ayodeji Megbope: Thank you for having me.

Efosa Ojomo: But yeah, let's let's actually start. Just to get to know you a little bit, because, you know, you're sort of a celeb you've been invited to the White House, not only one, but two separate occasions. Can you just tell us about that experience? How how did you get that? Did like it was it maybe was President Obama or like, did they call your cell phone and say, hey, you want to come over?

Ayodeji Megbope: So once again, I'm so happy to be here. Thank you Efosa for having me at faith driven entrepreneur. Yeah. So it didn't just happen like that. Nothing does happens like that. There's always a build up. But, you know, to answer your question specifically, I started my business, you know, 15 years ago with a seat on the 1000 man, and I started by selling our local baked cakes known as moi moi and and guzzle points. I would have to tell you in the moi moi in front of a school. And I had walked in that school for nine years before I had the [......]. And if you want a change, then follow me and follow my instructions. So I started the business. Lots of bad dates. And God's just, you know, gave me an amazing experience from there that opened several doors and from one door to the other door to the other door I got on a platform and I got some the 10,000 women platform, that is the initiative of Goldman Sachs Investment Bank. And they started the program in Nigeria. And I was very, very blessed to be a part of the program. I was one of the first five women. And so that's where I started my entrepreneurial journey from entrepreneurial training. And it was based on that that I became exposed to this network of investors who invest in people who invest, especially in women who want to build their businesses, want to grow their businesses. And when they saw how I began to build my business from the point of 1000, their checking my business out of my home and beginning to open branches, they kept investing in me. And they also saw that I was leading other group of women, encouraging them to know that they could start with the little seed they have and in the mean time opportunities will come up that will get back to me to ask me how soon. So the first trip to the White House was actually when they called me to ask if I had been able to get a credit facility for my business. And that time was about when I had just visited my bank. And then the Holy Spirit said to me you have done well so far, so that it's time to take it to the next level. You have to expand your business. And I just assumed that I needed to go to the bank. Having received a lot of business [....], I assumed that the only way I could do this spoke to the bank [........................]and I went to the bank and the bank said, wow, amazing. We've seen your record, your record is great. We've seen how you've been able to grow your business and still somewhat to this point, but we can only give you this if you have 70% [.....]. And I was like, if I had 70% of what I'm looking for, I wouldn't be here in the first place.

Efosa Ojomo: I wouldn't be here.

Ayodeji Megbope: I was really heartbroken and I felt very disappointed. You know what I for? Think about a few days after I got a call from Goldman Sachs. Well, now this time from the Enterprise for Development Center, because for Goldman Sachs, we always talk now with the local university for that program. And so then they partner with the [.....] University on them, which is the Enterprise Development Center, and that's how they reached out to me to say, oh, well, it's International Women's Day and Goldman Sachs has some questions to ask you. And they asked if I've been able to get a facility for my business, and I said no. I told them the experience. I had just asked my bank and I said, Wow, that's amazing, because the White House, in celebration of International Women Day wants to highlight the plight of business women who are trying to grow their businesses time. So we need to women that we need to share the stories within our class. One was has been able to access the facility for business and one for the bank just said no to. And that's why I felt I felt like I was fit for that opportunity. So that was what's just inside the White House, because the bank said, No to me, I got that opportunity to go to the White House to share my story. So the first time and so the second time was not the White House. It was the state house. So the state house was in celebration of the United States Women's Conference. And I was invited to be a speaker representing Africa. So to share my story of our journey in business and all of that. So I was at that conference and before I left Nigeria they told me the organizer has told me because Goldman Sachs is one of their partners that told me that there's going to be a [dinner] and they would like to have my products as part of the meals of the day. And so I had given my recipe, sent everything that I've seen by processes in the past. And because of time, I couldn't go prepared myself. So they used my recipe and prepared moi moi [.....]. And after the program, after the conference in the morning, and they said to me, now I remember the dinner you never told me about the same. Yes. That said, Well, we have a surprise for you. Michelle Obama is going to be at the dinner and we're going to give the honor of welcoming that on stage. And so but you will retain the green first. And so I was like, I could just not believe it because that was my dream that I would meet Michele Obama. And so in the green room, I met Michelle Obama. I had a tray of my moi moi, she tasted it. And then I went straight into the meeting room. And that was when I welcomed Michele Obama onto the podium. And of course, glowing tributes to the taste of my moi moi. So those I did say through because I had the White House, I'm one with the White House and the other with the state house.

Efosa Ojomo: Wow. That is incredible. I mean, I think one of the things I took away is sometimes when as entrepreneurs, you get a no, that's not the end of the story. And it was precisely because you got that no that you were led to the White House. If you got it, yes, you would have probably not qualified for the program, amazing.

Ayodeji Megbope: Certainly. So this part of my journey was actually that true, Because, I mean, I was in the place where I would say discourage. I was going to be 40. And remember, my business has been for 16 years now since I'm 40. And, you know, shots of all the opportunities have just said, give me what you've done to your life. You have taken advantage of different opportunities. All the expenses I had as a child sitting my exams, you know, but just, you know, just how big my mind I was almost losing it, thank God. You know, I just kept going back to God and said please help me Lord, please help me Lord and God said to me Ayo you had to walk on water. So walk on water. And I wondered what that meant. And I realized that what was just said, you know, this is something I had to be that this is anything you might encounter. And that was what happened. He told me to resign, I sought counsel. I said to my husband, Thank God for my husband. I spoke to my pastor and they said, that will pray with me. And they pray with me, I got a green light. And he said, I want you to set up a daycare center. But all of that field. So you see the pattern. So that's I mean, today when I faced obstacles, I just remember that I'm like, no, there's something behind this door. if I stay if I'm persistent, but I don't give up and God do miracle. So it was I couldn't open the daycare center and was like I was just doing nothing. And then one day there was no one in the house [.....] and just cried to my husband and he gave me the 1000. I had just happened and said, I have faith, I believe in you. I did. So my husband, like this guy, is in denial, like the mothers I just follow. And I took the 1000 to the market and I made moi moi was just a [....]. I was just a mule to keep in the house. And I did that. And that's pretty much the same of the set ups and the sit down, or most of my only mission, which is to ask ascertain what? I was very disappointed because I have to admit when my knees and knees. So I kind of and I knew that I was a Christian, but my mother said, Sweetie, sometimes when I was single, ask the question to say like, Well, when I'm gone, well, the Holy Spirit just said, just let go. And so she said that she didn't like it when she asked if I would make for her. So she gave me money to make for her the next days by a mutual class and a friend sister that our friend was also excited as she told her friend, If you want this person to make, mostly you just get this out of my and I'll say I'm. Stockton a sentence in 2000. I did the little reps. I had the house, my neighbor. She had obsessions living closest to us. But the timeline for when I said to 5 minutes and I said I should have a thousand that I'm making about so that I would do anything to stop it.

Efosa Ojomo: This is just incredible to see some of the twists and turns in your story. You know, one of the things I'd love to just get a sense of, because it's very clear how in-tune you are with the Holy Spirit and getting direction from the Lord. I would love to talk a bit about, you know, humility. As an entrepreneur, I think it can be very hard to be humble, to admit you can't do everything or, you know, there are things you can do well and things you can't do well. How has this sort of shown up in your own journey, and how would you counsel other entrepreneurs to take an honest look at themselves, you know, not let pride get in the way and to be able to delegate things to others that they can't do well?

Ayodeji Megbope: I mean, it's interesting you ask me this question because I still had this conversation with my son today. So he was telling me of the encounter with the Holy Spirit in the past few days, how the Holy Spirit wakes him up in the middle of the night to pray, and then one day he will say, Oh, I'm a pro at this, you know, then said to himself, you know, what's what is true? I can do this by myself. I probably don't need you to help me again. And he said, Mom, you know, I child, I feel like I have to pull this off. Wow. And, you know, I mean, the reason God has helped me to say, consistent is because I know I can not do anything outside of the Holy Spirit if I try to do anything outside of. I make a lot of mistakes. I will be working right in the flesh. And so the fact God has started me this way has really helped me to stay consistent. Of course, business has so many that various challenges in business, especially in an economy like us that, is volatile, that is unpredictable. You know, so many things would happen that want you to panic. So many things will happen that want you to compromise. But knowing that God brought me this far I didn't bring myself this far, it gives me no choice but to stay humble, gives me absolutely no choice. And the fact that he keeps showing up. I mean, my relationship with my sister in law was another humbling experience, because initially when I got married to my husband's family, it was like I was the one who wasn't the best out of them all. But, you know, I learned humility by serving them had to come to my house says a lot. And I keep asking myself, what did I think? Arrogance. What if I had not humbled myself to learn and I hadn't met them then she wouldn't have come into my house on that day and then will probably have to search. So humility is key because, number one, you do not even know who your destiny is. I keep saying we all want this, but we don't have the capacity to choose our destiny. US and the destiny of my destiny. Dressed in swaddling suits like Jesus was calling and swapping foods with the king. So, I mean, it is to our advantage to actually invite the spirit of humility. Because Bible the Bible says that God opposes the proud. So why would you want to put yourself in the position where God opposes you.

Efosa Ojomo: Wow, incredible. I mean, that just I've never thought about humility that way. But listening to your story and how, you know, you served you served your family when you joined, you know, your husband's family. Yeah. Some twist and turn of fate. That way. God made it happen. That was sort of the beginnings of, you know, what we have today. But you didn't even know you were just serving. And some of what you said reminds me of Psalm 127, which my wife just shared with me recently that says, Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. And so the idea that, you know, the Holy Spirit is who has carried you, God is who has carried you thus far, and so you have no choice but to be humble. All right. That's incredible. You know, I want to ask another question that I think almost every entrepreneur has to wrestle with. You know, how have you dealt with just persevering. You talked about the challenge, business environment, that is Nigeria. You talked about the the beginnings of your story. I mean, 1000 naira for our listeners. I mean, many of you in Nigeria now, a thousand naira is was a thousand naira like $1. It's about a dollar $0.50, maybe.

Ayodeji Megbope: A dollar is about $800 naira.

Efosa Ojomo: So yesterday it lasted maybe a dollar $0.20 or something like that. You know, 15 years ago maybe would have been two, three, four dollars. You know, so, I mean, that's not a lot of money. The environment is volatile. It's difficult. How have you persevered? And more specifically, right. When things were really bad black down, you probably wear like I. I don't know if we can keep going. How did you keep going?

Ayodeji Megbope: So my faith has been a pillar of strength when it comes to perseverance. And so knowing that I have a source and knowing that my source is the authentic source keeps me grounded and keeps me focused even when everything seems to be going crazy. I mean, I've God show up in big ways and I've had him show up in small ways. And I just said to myself, I'm because I'm mostly Bible students who is very aware of the journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to the promised land. I could pinch myself and I would not grumble as most doubt, so I didn't need to be. I'm a student of the word and I have said I know that God has given me this business as a platform to preach the gospel. And so that also keeps me going, knowing that I'm not doing this for I thank God. Yes, this business must stay and it is prospering. But beyond that, it has become a way to win souls because people have seen the results. And so when I face challenges, I keep saying I go back to the God in the business and I say to him God. You know, your name is attached to all of this. I know that you will defend your name at every level. And so when I continue to have those conversations with him, he shows up, he tells me, he tells me what you do and told me from day one how to move from where I was to where I started from. And I'm convinced that we will keep telling me and keep showing up. And so that helps me to persevere. And the fact that I know that it's not about me, it's about him, it's about him. Like I said earlier he will defend his name. So I use this team to encourage women, to encourage all people, even men and young people that say, Because there is no way you save this God and you will not have to sit there and belittle. And I keep saying to myself also, but I would not operate by the economy of any country. Somebody called a few weeks ago. It's been a lot of problems in our economy over the past few weeks, especially since I've been hired and all of that and all of that exchange with us gone off the rules. So somebody called me from the UK, said, I need to know how you doing your business in this tough times? And I simply said, and just as I started doing from day one, I started by faith. And I choose to continue by faith, I am not moved by the economy of my country I am moved by the word. And then based upon crossing instructions on how to navigate the murky waters of business and everything, and then when that happens to you.

Efosa Ojomo: Wow, wow, wow. I feel like I just came from church. I mean, I am so encouraged. I mean, the idea of you just touching whatever happens in your life to your business, to God and saying, this is you, this is yours, and I know your name, the world will pass away. But your word that will be fulfilled. And I know that your name will be glorified through this business. Through my experience, it's not mine. That's incredibly encouraging. And I think also just helps me think about, even in my life, many of the things that I may want to hold on to tight, Reminding me and hopefully all our listeners, we are stewards have come from the Lord, which is really tied to my next question, because on the one hand, when a Christian entrepreneurs struggles and perhaps their faith is strong, they have nowhere else to go but God. But when a Christian entrepreneur of faith driven entrepreneur becomes successful, it can get to their head and we can begin to feel, you know, yeah, I mean, God helped me, but, you know, I also, like I did my own. So please, how have you continued to depend on God? As you're experiencing success.

Ayodeji Megbope: Thank you Efosa. So, you know, just as you were asking that question, it just leads me to I mean, let's our listeners know that it's not just my business that I commit into the hands of God, although that I have committed to the hands of God my entire life. And so I've committed my marriage of [13] years, my two children, my everything, my health, my finances into God's hand and I have no choice. I have kept it, I have no choice but to continue with it. Is it concerning my children when they were struggling and I was I mean, let me just since I submission, submission. This young man was kicked out of university in Nigeria and God said sent him to the US. We didn't have the money, but we did it against all odds. My husband was crying on his graduation day. Is it our daughter? I mean, everything about our life is it my health. I remember there was a time, a lump was found in my breast. I mean, so many things, such as the touch of my life. This is the gospel. Every part of my life is in the hands of God. So which part of my life do I want to get out? My business is building. My business is helping. Helping me in every way. How did I get here? Sometimes I look around and I'm like, How did I get there? Now, I remember when I was invited to Davos, Switzerland, and I'm like, I see this picture in online [.....]. And so just the more you commit everything into the hands of God, the more you will have no choice. [........................................] desiring to know him more because now you will see that life is not about all of the same things. I just [.....] for just fringe benefits. Life is about focusing on him, loving him, knowing him, knowing very well that it doesn't end there. I want to see him. I want to see his face at the end of it all. So that's what keeps me glued connected to him. And that's the message that everyone that comes around me.

Efosa Ojomo: Wow. Thank you. Thank you for sharing. And just thank you for the example that you are. You know, seek him first, Matthew 6:33, the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added, seek him first. Yeah. I mean, this is incredible. Your story just hearing you and the passion and how God has moved in your life. You know, we like to close each episode by hearing what God is teaching you right now, you know? What have you found in his word that has stuck to you recently?

Ayodeji Megbope: So recently he's been telling me about you. So you read in the Book of Second Chronicles, and I can't remember the chapter, but Elisha was about dying and the King of Judah came to him and the king was put into battle, there was an enemy that was outside the land, and the bible says Elisha was sick and the man of God told the king to take hold of an arrow and a bow and the man of God place his hand on the king and told him to shoot at this shot. And the next instruction he gave was pick up arrows and struck this arrow in the ground. And he did, he didn't tell him how many arrow to struck. I think he stopped at three I can't remember how many, but Elisha was angry, the bible told that Elisha was angry. So why didn't you? If you had shot six, oh, the Lord would have given you complete victory. Oh, my God. When I read that what, that means I must not give up. We do not know why the king stops. Maybe there were six arrows, but we don't know how many arrows were there. We did not know why the king stopped to that. We had reasons to have one stops. I was like, Continue. If I stop when I'm not supposed to stop, I can't hold anybody responsible. I can't hold the economy of my country responsible. I can hold [.....]. At the end of the day, [.........]. I need to commit every aspects of my life to the Holy Spirit and I couldn't afford to fail. He didn't bring it this far to fail. So no matter how it is, I'm tired. The economy of my country is not doing well. The political terrain is a source of this problem of the family that issues in my marriage, whatever it is, I can not hold anybody responsible. I have what it takes. Not by power not by might, but by Holy Spirit. I have the Holy Spirit in me. Therefore, if Christ did not give up, regardless of the fact that was going through. Also the Bible says in the Book of Hebrews. So the joy that was sent before him, he endured it despite the shame and now is seated, [......]. So my final word is it's a journey. It's not a destination. The journey of success. The journey of finishing well, we have to hold on to him. So there are lots of twists and turns in our journey. There are lots of things that we will not expect that will happen, but we need to still continue to [....] in faithful. [.........] perfect completion? And at the end of the day, what we should be looking forward to hearing is well done good and faithful servant enter to the rest of your God. That's my desire, that's important. And that's why keep going on. Thank you.

Efosa Ojomo: I thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. This has been incredible. The Lord is clearly leading you and it's just beautiful to hear you follow him in big ways and small. I've been inspired by your story and we're grateful you can share it with our listeners. God bless you. Thank you.

Ayodeji Megbope: Amen. Thank you for having me. Thank you.


Episode 39 - Revolutionizing Transportation with Adetayo Bamiduro and Chinedu Azodoh