What is a Faith Driven Entrepreneur? It can mean different things to different people, and what follows is not meant to be a definitive list. Yet, in our experience, we have found some common attributes, or as we call them here, marks…


God is the original entrepreneur. If anyone knows what it’s like to create and build something completely new, it’s Him. And we can see that from the very beginning He has created us to share in His entrepreneurial process.

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Faith Driven Entrepreneurs have lives that have been transformed by the Gospel, that have accepted the gift of salvation, and now seek to bring God glory as their greatest and highest purpose.

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We’re working with God’s goods. We’re the cooks in His kitchen. That’s the honest, humbling truth. Even, and perhaps especially, if you started your own business, you’re creating out of the ingredients God created first. 

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Look at the Generous Giving Site, see what supporting scripture about the joy of giving, idea of being generous to others.

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One of the most unifying experiences in life is to go through a battle with another human being. And business is a battle. It’s hard. It’s challenging. Each day brings its own difficulties. But those trenches can create an unbreakable sense of unity that can be used to bring joy, purpose, and practical benefit to your life and your work.

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The temptation to worship work is obvious for entrepreneurs. We can take the responsibility God has given us (the call to create we talked about earlier) and run with it. We can use that as a permission slip to be a workaholic. Even worse, making work an idol that steals our affections from God.

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We believe that we were created in the image of God…..a God who worked 6 days and whose work was “good”. We also know that His work continues to this day. This understanding as God’s image bearer, together with the gratitude that comes from the gift of life, now and forever, provides us with a nuclear energy source that allows us to strive for, and achieve excellence.

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Too often people slide into doing good things through their business without actually changing themselves. The life of a Faith Driven Entrepreneur has to start with heart transformation and complete devotion to the Gospel.

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Faith Driven Entrepreneurs believe that God has placed us in the marketplace to be salt and light through our actions. We look to love our employees and the broader communities in which we do business in a way that is exemplary and distinctive.

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We all want to appear like we have it all together. As entrepreneurs, we want our investors, employees, and customers to know that everything is under control. We can take care of everything. We can handle whatever comes our way.

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At the end of the day, pastors and entrepreneurs aren’t that different. We’re doers, we’re builders, we’re leaders. We want the best for the people around us. But we also want to be the best. It’s not just strengths we share—our weaknesses match as well. We need each other.

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Your business may not have any kind of international reach right now. Maybe you don’t have international aspirations. That’s fine. But hear this: God still wants to use your business for the Great Commission.

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